Psychotherapy | Encino
Psychotherapy : Individual • Family • Marital

Individual psychotherapy, specializing in the healing of stress, anxiety, panic attacks, post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction, trauma, phobia, depression, and self-esteem issues. Therapy focuses on helping the clients to love, forgive, and respect themselves and to realize their fullest potential.
Relationship and marital counseling is designed to enhance intimacy, harmony, satisfaction, and effective communication.

Non-Violent Communication ( ) techniques, or NVC, is highly effective and satisfying, easily learned, is available and offered to those clients who are interested. These techniques can be used with children, at work, with family members, and within relationships of all kinds.

Areas of Specialty:
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, or panic disorders marked with feelings of dread and fear can often develop after difficult life events or unresolved childhood neglect or abuse. Such chronic anxiety can often lead to some serious health challenges such as recurring headaches, ulcers, insomnia as well as other psychosomatic disorders. I use a very powerful trauma clearing technique that frequently has resulted in astonishingly rapid and permanent relief from these symptoms in a surprisingly short amount of time. Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis can also help to bring relief from these and other debilitating symptoms. I teach meditation, a very useful tool that helps to bring about dramatic and positive improvement in the decrease of anxiety. Reiki is also a very effective tool to bring about deep relaxation and release from stress.
Overwhelming feelings of sadness, grief, or despair can often accompany or follow difficult life events or transitions such as divorce or separation, loss of a job or loved one through death. Psychotherapy focuses on encouraging the development of effective coping strategies that empower the client to resolve the crisis and to move forward into a more positive life direction.
Some clients suffer from seemingly irrational fears such as heights, driving, elevators, or even as in the case of agoraphobia, leaving one’s house. Sometimes the cause of such a fear or phobia is known to the client while other times the origin of the phobia may be completely unconscious. Such fears can also often be resolved easily and effectively with the combination of Hypnotherapy and other various techniques that I use.
I have successfully helped hundreds of clients in overcoming addiction to various substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or various drugs. Also addressed are various compulsive behaviors such as gambling, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, or sexual addictions. I have helped numerous clients to easily overcome their addictions to junk foods and to replace them with much healthier foods and life-styles. This can also be achieved easily through the use of Hypnotherapy.
Trauma Healing
Trauma Healing: A Quantum Field Healing technique that is astonishly effective and has the power to clear even the most profound traumas in a manner that is very efficient, effective, gentle, and fast! It has successfully treated childhood traumas as well as the lingering effects of more recent traumatic events experienced as an adult such as divorce or breakup, death of a loved one, wartime experiences, or sexual trauma.
I offer in-person consultations in Encino and Walnut Creek, California, as well as flexible hours and weekend appointments. I am also available for telephone and Zoom consultations, making it convenient to connect with me from anywhere in the world.
I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Together, we can unlock your full potential and create a life filled with joy, peace, and fulfillment.
LIFE IS LOVE. All else is imagined confusion.
… Byron Katie
GRACE comes out of nowhere.
It can happen at anytime,at any place.
… Ammachi
I can be changed by what happened to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
… Maya Angelou
BLISS is your natural State.
All else is illusion.
… S. Germain